UltraExplorer - The Ultimate File Manager Tool for Windows


  • Bug Fix: Fixed AV in DoThreadCallback method
  • Feature: Added ability to set a fixed with for Tabs


Version 1.4.4

  • Bug Fix: Fixed problem with activating viewer when full row select is used
  • Bug Fix: Fixed drawing issue with focused column drawing. Overdrawing the first line of the header
  • Bug Fix: Fixed Tabs so double clicking near the buttons on the right of the tab bar do not duplicate the currently active tab as like double clicking in a blank area of the tab bar does
  • Bug Fix: Fixed Bug with drop down list of available tabs when selecting a tab that was not visible (scrolled off the current view). The tab would not be selected if it was not visible
  • Bug Fix: Finally found the cause of the "Can not focus an invisible window" error when right clicking on the main menu bar
  • Bug Fix: Finally found the cause of the crash when changing folders!
  • Bug Fix: Fixed issue with Vista and sorting by extension instead of file type (Vista bug)
  • Bug Fix: Fixed issue with Listview not refreshing when icons changed or file attributes changed
  • Bug Fix: Fixed bug with Size Sorting
  • Bug Fix: Fixed bug in Shell New Menu. Nothing worked if target folder was Unicode.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed bug in Shell New Menu if the new item used the "Command" option to launch an app to create the new file, such as Vista's "Contact File" option
  • Bug Fix: Fixed changed to make UE more Vista compatible. Caused task bar button to show/hide then show again.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed bug introduced in 1.4.3 when showing properties of files
  • Feature: Added ability to select multiple item and using Enter key to "open" all the selections.
  • Feature: Added Icon Caching so images do not flicker from unknown to the system image when refreshing in the Listview
  • Feature: Added Listview option for user to define how the size is shown, Default based on current system, force a Classic Explorer Style, actual file size, actual number of bytes the file consumes on the disk.
  • Feature: Added Win-E Hook feature to open UE when the "Windows Key and E" are pressed instead of Explorer
  • Feature: Added HotTracking option to Listview
  • Feature: Added File>Flatten Folder command to show a flat list of all files in the currently selected folder and all subfolders. Currently is a real memory hog so be careful.
  • Feature: Added user selectable time for File QueryInfo Hints to stay visible (up to 20 seconds)


Version 1.4.3

  • Bug Fix: Drag and Drop on the Shell Objects in the Favorites Window was completely broken
  • Bug Fix: DropStack always used Unicode shell transfers and would fail on Windows 9x
  • Bug Fix: Viewer window caption not displaying "Viewer" when a plugin viewer not used
  • Bug Fix: Addressbar Editbox's default context menu did not work
  • Bug Fix: If dragging a folder from the Treeview to the Listview quickly (so the listview changes it root folder in the middle of the drag) UE intermittently would throw and AV.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed the Listview background menu "Paste As" menu item. Did not work.
  • Bug Fix: Command line parameters with GUID's did not work
  • Bug Fix: Using the shortcut key to set the focus to the Addressbar Combobox when the Addressbar is hidden caused an exception
  • Bug Fix: Fixed some special cases with the auto-selection of the filename minus the extension when entering into edit mode in the listview
  • Bug Fix: <CTRL> - <ENTER> would place a file in a new Tab if a file was selected and cause AV's
  • Bug Fix: Small Icon and List views now has an option auto size the cells to show the full captions
  • Bug Fix: Fixed incremental search to more resemble the Explorer listview incremental search
  • Bug Fix: Always Sort Folders First option now works
  • Bug Fix: LockFonts and LockColors options for windows reversed
  • Bug Fix: Fixed bug Folders window would not change font color
  • Bug Fix: Select First Item option incorrectly selects the first item if there were previously stored selections if the folder was browsed earlier
  • Bug Fix: Handled an invalid filename in the Launch Designer more elegantly
  • Bug Fix: Fixed bug with Mouse Wheel when switching away from List View
  • Bug Fix: Fixed Rename bug where new name would not be displayed if edited from within the Listview
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug in a core class that would cause random memory overruns and may cause strange AVs
  • Bug Fix: Fixed in Details Thread that would cause an AV in GetCaption at times
  • Bug Fix: Fixed bug in the '/p' command line switch
  • Bug Fix: Fixed bug in Column count extraction. Could cause incorrect column count in details view and AV's
  • Bug Fix: Fixed problem with F4 not dropping the Folder Select rolldown window in the Explorer Combobox
  • Bug Fix: Fixed issue where Columns View columns would not refresh when file changes occurred
  • Bug Fix: Fixed where when using Columns View the UltraExplorer may not shut down completely when closed
  • Bug Fix: Fixed languages not working on the Grouping headers
  • Bug Fix: Fixed problems with context menus when using the Context Menu keyboard key
  • Bug Fix: Fixed Up One Folder in Columns View
  • Bug Fix: Fixed bug in "Add selected to favorites" menu item. Sometimes grayed out or would crash if active control was the Treeview.
  • Bug Fix: Default Grouping types "Size" and "Type" were reversed in the dropdown list causing the grouping to be Type when "Size" was selected and vice-versa
  • Bug Fix: Columns Mode Details not Unicode
  • Bug Fix: Forgot to implement IncrementalSearch on the Treeview
  • Bug Fix: Middle Mouse button should have opened History and Favorites in new Tab
  • Bug Fix: Command Line mistakenly lower cased the input string so case sensitive switches would not work
  • Bug Fix: Zip files did not ignore the extension when going into edit mode if the namespace extension to allow browsing into the zip was installed
  • Feature: Added better handing of corrupt configuration files. If an error occurs when reading the configuration file a dialog is shown telling you of the problem and a backup of the file is saved then the original file will be deleted so the user does not have to manually try to figure out and delete a corrupted file.
  • Feature: Added a feature to toggle between selecting between just selecting the FileName and selecting the FileName + Extension by pressing F2 when editing a file in the Listview.
  • Feature: If the Listview "Show File Popup Hints" is active and the filename does not fit in the cell (Listview "AutoSize for Caption is off) the Popup Hint will include the filename as the first line. If the Listview "Show File Popup Hints" is off and the filename does not fit in the cell then a ToolTip is show with the full caption of the file.
  • Feature: Added Speed Buttons for selecting the Listview View in the Navigation Toolbar (remember you can drag them off the toolbar or onto another toolbar with the Customization Dialog open)
  • Feature: Added user definable Incremental Search Delay Timeout in the General Options
  • Feature: Added a warning message that is shown the first time an item is dragged to the Drop Stack explaining that the Drop Stack is a reference to the files and the original files MUST exist when the references are dragged from the Drop Stack to their target destinations.
  • Feature: Added ability to turn off/on the Main Menu Toolbar via the right click popup menu available over every toolbar
  • Feature: If there are no windows to the left of the Listview the Splitter bar is not shown. Interferes with re-sizing window and takes valuable screen space
  • Feature: Command line switch now supports upper and lower case "p" switch. A lower case '/p' adds the command line paths to existing tabs. An upper case '/P' removes previous tabs then adds the command line tabs
  • Feature: When browsing up the folder tree the folder where the user browsed from is selected and scrolled to in the Listview
  • Feature: Added a New Folder button to the Dual Pane configuration
  • Feature: Now supports the popup thumbnails and flip windows in Vista
  • Feature:: Added ability to show a Desktop button on the Drives Toolbar
  • Feature: Added ability for user defined short-cut for Group
  • Feature: Added a View>Change Auto-Update menu item to disable/enable auto update when the shell or file structure changes
  • Feature:: Now an option if the Listview browses up one level when you double click the background


Version 1.4.2

  • Bug Fix: Fixed AV when moving a file with CTRL Drag then selecting a new file
  • Bug Fix: Fixed AV when using "Add All Tabs to Favorites"
  • Bug Fix: Fixed not hot tracking in the BreadCrumb Bar with "Lock Toolbars" enabled.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed bug in Tab Order
  • Bug Fix: Fixed bug in Listview not responding to Numeric Keys
  • Bug Fix: Fixed problem with BreadCrumb Bar hiding itself if double clicking on it
  • Bug Fix: Fixed problem with Tabs not saving history of Mapped, Removable, and Network Drives when switching away from the Tab then returning to it
  • Bug Fix: Fixed bug where Favorites could be added as sub-Folders of Favorites items that where not categories but actual files and folders
  • Bug Fix: Fixed bug in saving Tab information. Tabs would revert to last folder in the history when switching back to tab.
  • Feature: Changed the way CTRL-F works. Does not toggle Quick Search bar, always shows it and sets the focus to the edit ready to type
  • Feature:: Selectable if the History Window is unique per Tab or global across all Tabs
  • Feature:: Breadcrumb Toolbar now has a user definable hot key to open the current folders menu to allow 100% keyboard access, default is CTRL-B
  • Feature: Breadcrumb Toolbar has options to automatically open the sub menu when the mouse hovers over the button
  • Feature:: Breadcrumb Toolbar now has flyouts for the folders from the menu to subfolders.
  • Feature:: Added support for multiple paths in the command line switch. Now a switch such as UltraExplorer.exe /p "c:\;%AppData%;.." will open UltraExplorer with three tabs, one to the C drive, one to the user Application Data folder, and one in the current directory that UltraExplorer is running.
  • Feature:: Added Context Menu to allow opening Folder in UltraExplorer from other applications
  • Feature:: Added support for Environment Variables in the ComboBox
    • %USERPROFILE% - The current user's profile folder
    • %ALLUSERSPROFILE% - The All Users profile folder
    • %ProgramFiles% - The Program Files folder
    • %SystemRoot% - The system root folder
    • %SystemDrive% - The system drive letter
    • %windir% - Windows folder
    • %TMP% - Temporary Folder
    • %TEMP% - Temporary Folder
    • %PULBIC% - Users Public Folder
    • %ProgramData% - Folder for common program data
    • %HOMEDRIVE% - The drive the current users home folder is on (does not include "\")
    • %HOMEPATH% - The Home Folder for the current user (does not include the drive but includes a leading "\" so using "%HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%" is the full path
    • %CommonProgramFiles% - Common Program Files
    • %AppData% - Application Data folder
  • Feature:: Added Right Mouse Button "Gestures". In the Options dialog select the Mouse Option tab and choose use the Right Mouse button for Gestures. The following are the defaults but it is user selectable in the Options Dialog.
    • Clicking and holding the mouse button then dragging up causes a browse to the next level up
    • Clicking and holding the mouse button then dragging left causes a browse to back one step in the browsing history
    • Clicking and holding the mouse button then dragging left causes a browse to forward one step in the browsing history
  • Feature:: Insert and Delete keys now Add and Remove items from the Favorites.
  • Feature:: Added an "Enter Edit Mode" menu item to the Favorites Main Menu that opens the Favorites window, places it into edit mode, and set the input focus to it
  • Feature:: Breadcrumb bar menus selectable if Browsable folders (such as how Zip files look like folders in Windows ME, XP and Vista) are displayed or not. In Options>Toolbars.


Version 1.4.0

  • Bug Fix: Fixed possible AV in Listview DragDrop operation.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed problem with Command Line sync across network drives
  • Bug Fix: Fixed bug in rendering Thumbnails that would cause an AV
  • Bug Fix: Fixed rendering of some alphablended thumbnails
  • Bug Fix: Fixed problem with applications sometimes not launching when double clicking file
  • Bug Fix: Fixed issue with dialogs and 120 DPI font mode.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed problem when renaming file in Treeview not updating other data structures and windows in application.
  • Bug Fix: Thumbnail Load All At Once options did not work
  • Bug Fix: Hilighting the path in Column Mode did not work
  • Bug Fix: Setting the column width in Column Mode set the physical width but the cell width did not always change to the new width.
  • Bug Fix: Options dialog would crash on opening or closing if other then English language was used
  • Bug Fix: Fixed Columns mode item width not matching the width of the column
  • Bug Fix: Fixed Column Modes context menu for items not working
  • Bug Fix: Fixed current folder browsing back to desktop if File Object type changed (hidden, folders, non folders)
  • Bug Fix: Fixed bug that would cause an AV randomly when dragging a file over the listview
  • Bug Fix: Fixed bug in Options Dialog, Show Hints check not remembered between sessions
  • Bug Fix: Fixed problem with context menu showing on wrong monitor if using dual monitor
  • Feature: Sort Favorites by Name
  • Feature: Launcher ShortCut assignments now saved
  • Feature: New "Stretch" command for Thumbnails in the Listview Action Toolbar. You will likely have to open the Customizer dialog and drag the button to a more appropriate position if you has UE installed prior to this update.
  • Feature: Added new Auto-play on load option to the Options>Viewer tab to allow the user to decide if multimedia files automatically play when viewed.
  • Feature: Added new Dual Pane Listview mode. This more closely resembles normal dual pane Explorer clones.
  • Feature: Added a context menu handler that can be registered to allow access to your favorites folders thought the context menu in Explorer, UltraExplorer and Open/Save As dialogs that use the Common Windows Dialog. Use Tools>Install Context Menu Handler
  • Feature: Thumbnail sizes save on a Per Folder basis if the Listview's Save View Per Folder option is checked.
  • Feature: Thumbnails now has a Hide Captions options
  • Feature: Thumbnails have an Aspect Ratio option to allow the user to best fit their particular size of thumbnail images
  • Feature: Added main menu item to link to the Wiki Help
  • Feature: Reworked Columns mode Details
  • Feature: Added a user configurable hot key to toggle focus between the two listviews.
  • Feature: Added option to show grid lines in Details View.
  • Feature: Columns Mode window color now changeable.
  • Feature: Columns Mode highlight banding now selectable on/off.
  • Feature: Columns Mode banding color user definable.
  • Feature: Addressbar Combobox width user definable under Tools>Options>Toolbars
  • Feature: Added My Documents special folder button option for the Drives Toobar
  • Feature: Clicking a History folder opens the folder in a new Tab


Version 1.3.6

  • Bug Fix: Fixed bug with OLE drag and drop from UE to the desktop in WinXP and lower
  • Bug Fix: Some controls in the options did not have hints
  • Bug Fix: Fixed bug dragging more then one OLE object to the Drop Stack from the Treeview
  • Bug Fix: Languages did not work on some panels in the options dialog
  • Bug Fix: Favorites Menu and Toolbar did not respect the setting of Favorites In New Tab option
  • Bug Fix: Main Window caption was not Unicode so Unicode Paths in the caption showed as ?????
  • Bug Fix: Fixed drawing bug with Eos Theme and the Listboxes with checkmarks.
  • Bug Fix: Better implementation of Locking the Toolbars. No longer shifts the Toolbars around
  • Bug Fix: Fixed Back/Forward/History browsing
  • Bug Fix: Fixed "New Window" command on Vista
  • Bug Fix: Fixed AV when delete filter items
  • Bug Fix: Fixed Toolbar positions not saved when Lock Toolbars enabled
  • Bug Fix: Fixed "Hilight Compressed File" option in the Treeview
  • Bug Fix: Fixed Columns Mode file select not always opening in Viewer
  • Bug Fix: Fixed Listview from quickly changing folders then back when right clicking a different folder to show the properties sheet
  • Bug Fix: Virtual Folders could be added as children of Physical Folders in the Favorites Window
  • Feature: Added option to hilight encrypted files
  • Feature: New translations, Chinese, Italian, and French
  • Feature: Double clicking in the Tab area creates a new Tab
  • Feature: The following variables are now available to use in the AddressBar Combobox, Command Line, and Launcher
    • %desktop% = Top level desktop folder
    • %network% = Network folder
    • %printer% = Printers folder
    • %drives% or %mycomputer% = My Computer
    • %sysdir% = SystemDirectory
    • %temp% = Temporary folder
    • %appdata% = User Documents folder
    • %favorites% = Favorites folder
    • %personal% = My Documents folder
    • %templates% = Templates folder
    • %history% = History folder
    • %desktopfolder% = Physical disk folder that contains the desktop objects
  • Feature: Better organization of the Toolbar Context Menus
  • Feature: Changed themed drawing of graphical folder size bars to be consistent across Windows versions.
  • Feature: Can "Add Selected To Favorites" from Folders Treeview
  • Feature: Completely reworked the way the components interacted with each other. Faster response when changing folders as much fewer updates between controls.
  • Feature: Each Tab now stores its own History and Back/Forward information
  • Feature: Double Clicking in the background of the Listview browses up one level
  • Feature: New Tab option to position it on the bottom of the Listview


Version 1.3.5

  • Bug Fix: Folder Size Always check not always synchronized with the menu item.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed AV when pressing F5
  • Bug Fix: A number of Toolbars did not stay in sync with the the menu items to turn them on/off
  • Bug Fix: Folder Size activation not defined when setting from the Options dialog
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a drawing anomaly in Win9x/Win2k the first time the listview size was changed
  • Feature: Moved the main menu Folder Size menu under the Tools menu, don't need such direct access with the speed button on the tabs bar
  • Feature: Added themed graphical Folder Size indicators, that scale with font size


Version 1.3.4

  • Bug Fix: Listview editor Font not the same as the Listview's Font
  • Bug Fix: Fixed AV when opening the Edit Grouping or Edit Plugin dialogs
  • Bug Fix: Selecting a tab that represented the Desktop did not browse to the Desktop
  • Bug Fix: Fixed bug in XButton to browse backward/forward
  • Bug Fix: Context menu "Arrange Icon By" did not work if not grouped
  • Bug Fix: Fixed bug in Filters window, UE would delete the filter above the selected filter
  • Bug Fix: Fixed occasional AV when releasing the mouse in the Folder Window
  • Bug Fix: Quick Filter Toolbar menu item check not staying synced with visibility of Quick Filter Toolbar
  • Bug Fix: Found bug in the History code. Could cause the mystery jumps back to the Desktop
  • Bug Fix: The Listviews where not using the same default font as the rest of the windows
  • Bug Fix: Favorites Font and Color options did not work
  • Bug Fix: Double clicking a file in Columns Mode did not launch the file
  • Feature: Added ability to customize hotkeys for History Back and Forward
  • Feature: Minimize to Tray now keeps UltraExplorer from showing on the Taskbar
  • Feature: Double clicking the image last column of Column View now executes the item
  • Feature: Always Show Header option to allow header click sorting in any view
  • Feature: When switching tabs the selected nodes and the position of the scrollbar is preserved so the next time the tab is selected the state of the listview is restored.
  • Feature: Added Option>Toolbar>Lock Toolbars to lock the toolbars after they are position where the user wants them
  • Feature: UltraExplorer windows dynamically resize cells based on font size
  • Feature: Uses built in Vista drag image system for drag images in Vista
  • Feature: Serious reworking of Columns Mode
  • Feature: Clicking the header in Columns Mode toggled the sort direction of the view
  • Feature: "Arrange Icons By" now works in Columns Mode
  • Feature: New icons by Giannakopoulos Konstantinos


Version 1.3.2

  • Bug Fix: Fixed issue with potential invalid GUID for listview background menu
  • Bug Fix: Try again.... hope the AV in the EasyEditManager MainWindowHook is fixed
  • Bug Fix: Fixed transparent GIF images not displaying transparent


Version 1.3.1

  • Bug Fix: Fixed the "Edit Grouping Criteria" dialog and adding a custom criteria
  • Bug Fix: Forgot to assign a hot letter to the "Launch" main menu item
  • Bug Fix: Fixed problem of item in listview going into edit mode when activating the window with the mouse
  • Bug Fix: Hope the AV in the EasyEditManager MainWindowHook is fixed


Version 1.3.0 

  • Bug Fix: Check if object is file or folder before deciding to not select the text after the last "." (used to not select the extension of a file when entering edit mode)
  • Bug Fix: Fixed bug with the new command line path relative path options.
  • Bug Fix: Think the double click on the header to autofit the captions should be fixed
  • Bug Fix: Status bar "Files Selected" limited to 1G
  • Bug Fix: Columns Mode was not using the File Objects options when showing files
  • Bug Fix: When using command line parameters a debug dialog would show
  • Feature: Reworked the Options Dialog to not use Tabsets
  • Feature: Added Toolbar button and Main Menu selection to choose Folder Size Calculation type
  • Feature: Launcher Design now drag drop aware from Explorer and the Shell to allow dropping *.exe, *.bat, *.com, and *.lnk files to create a new launcher entry.
  • Feature: Listview ghosts the images if the object is hidden
  • Feature: Middle mouse click on Favorites Folder opens a new Tab


Version 1.2.9 

  • Bug Fix: Fixed bug with no translation of the Launcher Edit dialog
  • Bug Fix: List view would hang UltraExplorer


Version 1.2.8 

  • Bug Fix: Fixed bug in command line and syncing between two different drives
  • Bug Fix: Fixed bug with autoselection of just the file name in the listview when filename contained "." other then the separation between the filename and the extension
  • Bug Fix: Fixed bug in listview editor preventing CTL-A from selecting the entire contents of the editor
  • Bug Fix: Fixed AV when the Hint Window shown in the Treeview (turned off Animation per Mike Lischke it is a known issue)
  • Bug Fix: Fixed bug in custom overlay icons not showing (i.e. TortiousSVN)
  • Feature: Added a "Auto Wildcards" checkbox to the quick filter to automatically add a "*" wildcard to the beginning and end of the typed text
  • Feature: Added Full Row Select option for the Favorites window
  • Feature: Added option to open a Favorites Folder in a new Tab. Also if the Ctrl or Alt is pressed when a folder is clicked it will open in a new tab
  • Feature: Time delay between when treeview change and the new path being updated in the other controls, as in Explorer
  • Feature: The listview does not browse until the mouse is release instead of pressed in the treeview, as in Explorer
  • Feature: Added support for customizing hot keys for electing Next/Prev Tabs
  • Feature: Added support for customizable hot keys for the Path Copy toolbar actions for the Listview and Addressbar
  • Feature: Added support for calculating Folder Sizes
  • Feature: Support for relative file paths in the -p command line switch switch (".", "..", "..\SomeFolder"
  • Feature: Added support for context menu hint strings in the task bar


Version 1.2.7 

  • Bug Fix: When changing Object Types to show in the views and both listviews were shown they would not reset to the correct folder
  • Bug Fix: Thumbnail size not saved on shutdown
  • Bug Fix: Thread would not shut down and application stayed in memory
  • Bug Fix: Random AV's in TNamespace.InternalSubItems
  • Bug Fix: Fixed alpha blending of folder thumbnails in Windows Vista
  • Bug Fix: Fixed bug in the List View and the mouse wheel not scrolling a column width
  • Bug Fix: Fixed bug that could cause BreadCrumbbar to not contain sibling folders when opened (more pronounced on Windows Vista)
  • Feature: Added option to minimize to the tray
  • Feature: If panel Listview is closed the fixed listview receives the focus
  • Feature: Programs and ShellExecutes are launched from a separate thread to keep the UltraExplorer responsive.


Version 1.2.5 

  • Bug Fix: Launcher Toolbar did not execute application
  • Bug Fix: Could not re-dock the toolbar to the drop stack
  • Bug Fix: Only Operation that would work on the Launcher was "open"
  • Bug Fix: Customizations not saved for Text Options
  • Bug Fix: Hot-Key Customizations not working
  • Bug Fix: Crash in DoThreadCallback fixed.
  • Bug Fix: Wrong context menu shown when right clicking next to and not on the item text in the Listview.
  • Bug Fix: The Viewer color options where not updated in the Options dialog when changed.
  • Bug Fix: Complete rewrite of the Columns View to fix List Index Out of Bounds crash. Much cleaner and smoother.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed problem with single instance and bringing the application to the front when it was minimized to the Taskbar.
  • Feature: Added Alt+D shortcut to select the Addressbar
  • Feature: If Folder(s) dragged to the tabset and dropped on an empty space they are added to the tabset.
  • Feature: UltraExplorer now stays in the background if items are dragged from it during a drag drop operation
  • Feature: QuickFilter bar similar to FireFox. Just type CTL-F and type in the edit box. Supports DOS wildcards as well (*, ?).
  • Feature: Options button in Toolbar now visually "fits in"
  • Feature: Added CTL- + shortcut to auto fit columns in Details View
  • Feature: Columns View now as a "Smooth Scroll" feature. Adjust the speed in the Listview Options. Set to 0 to disable.
  • Feature: Columns View has alternating colors to better identify items and has images to show what items are expandable into new Columns.
  • Feature: To support Vista the configuration files are not stored in %AppData%\{username}\Application Data\UltraExplorer


Version 1.1.2 

  • Bug Fix: Fixed bugs with Filters if the "Hide Extension" option is turned on in Explorer.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed bug in Main Menu introduced in 1.1.0 and the accelerator keys strokes.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed problem with Default Sort Column not taking the change until after closing browsing to a new folder.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed problem PerFolderStorage option. Not working correctly.
  • Bug Fix: FavoritesCrumbbar not Unicode enabled.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed problem with crashes when using the context menu button in the Tabs area or right clicking on the background of the controls.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed problem with last item in listview being cut off when attempting to edit it.
  • Bug Fix: "Always select first item" option was broken. Fixed.
  • Bug Fix: "Divide by 0" crash in Dream Theme fixed.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed problem UltraExplorer not shutting down due to a thread not ending.
  • Bug Fix: On shutdown UltraExplorer would give an access violation at time. Fixed.
  • Bug Fix: Potential crashes when pressing "Group" button.
  • Bug Fix: Changes in files and folders not updated in UltraExplorer in some instances
  • Bug Fix: Fixed problem of CPU going to 100% when shell dialog shown and other viewer being used.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed problem of CPU going to 100% when shell dialog shown and other viewer being used.
  • - Bug Fix: Fixed bug when opening a new UltraExplorer window via the "New Window" command
  • Feature: Current Disk Drive size and Free Space displayed in the Statusbar
  • Feature: You can now customize the Favorites Name for Shell Objects and not just the Favorites Sub-Folders
  • Feature: UltraExplorer now tracks file operations and closes the file on the Viewer so it does not give a "File in use" error when trying to delete, move, or rename a file that is being viewed.
  • Feature: Filters may now be set to "Filter In" or "Filter Out" on an individual basis.
  • Feature: Filters now support wildcard matching per DOS wildcard standards, requires Window 98/Windows 2000 and greater or Internet Explorer 4.0 installed.
  • Feature: Expanded the options for the Drives Bar. Can now have a few special folders on the toolbar. Also control over if the buttons should contain Glyphs, Text or Glyphs and Text. Also popup hints for the Drive Bar are controlled separately from the global hints option.
  • Feature: Added a "Launcher" toolbar and main menu item. Allows the user to create shortcuts to applications with operations, parameters, and window types. See the ShellExecute API for a better idea on how to use this. Also look for "Cononical Verbs" for types of operations that can be performed.


Version 1.1.0


  • Bug Fix: Problem auto selecting the new file when using the New item in the context menu.
  • Bug Fix: Drag and drop required the FileDescriptor clipboard format to work with some applications (Outlook, Lotus Notes, etc)
  • Bug Fix: AV if double clicking disabled items in the Grouping Edit Dialog.
  • Bug Fix: Per Folder View settings not saved
  • Feature: Added a FavoritesCrumb Bar
  • Feature: Added a "Copy to DropStack" context menu item on Favorites Items
  • Feature: The Menu is now like a regular toolbar so other toolbars may now be docked next to it on the same line.
  • Feature: Alt+Left = History Back and Alt+Right History Forward hot keys.
  • Feature: Added option to Sync the Command Line with the current Folder
  • Feature: Added mode to Filter to all "Filter In" or "Filter Out"
Copyright (c) 2007. All rights reserved. Send feedback!